La banque de votre projet


A versatile financial institution, the BNDE deals with both the financing of Agriculture and Livestock, Industry and agro-industry, crafts, services, tourism, real estate, health and education, refinancing of Micro-Finance Institutions, renewable energy and T.I.C.
Our loans are granted at competitive rates and for reasonable deadlines, likely to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit and meet the specific needs of an individual investor.

A client approaching BNDE to request financing must provide the following information:

  • Information about the loan applicant: legal status, activity of the promoter and balance sheets for the last three years where applicable.
  • The business plan covering the aspects:
  • Project techniques: equipment required, the production capacity of this equipment, their origins, the raw materials necessary for the activity.
  • Project managers: Technical assistance (institutional support) profile of current/potential managers, project implementation plan,…
  • Financial: estimated cost of the project, financing plan, provisional operating account,……
  • Marketing and sales: description of the product or service, market for raw materials and finished product, analysis of competition and distribution channels, packaging…
  • Environmental and social: impact on the environment, respect and promotion of gender equality,……